Membership / Donate / Volunteer Form
Email: _____________________________ Phone: __________________________
___ Sign me up; I want to be a MEMBER
___ Funds are enclosed ____ Remind me
Standard Membership ___ $25.00
Shrub sponsor Membership ___ $45.00
Canopy tree sponsor Membership $ _________
___ I want to DONATE to the cause! $ _________
___ Funds are enclosed ____ Remind me
___ Keep me informed of VOLUNTEER opportunities. I am interested in:
___Restoration of the woods and shoreline
___NATIVE tree/flower planting, weeding, soil preparation, etc.
___Clean up: old concrete/trash removal, clearing brush, etc.
___Organizational activities - events, publicity
___Water quality
___Climate change action
___Other: _________________________
Please ​make checks payable to Friends of Bass Lake
Print this page and return with payment to:
Don Weirens, Pr​esident
3401 Huntington Avenue
St. Louis Park, MN 55416